***the mole*** I would like to add that there is old info regarding the reporting of any abuse base on previous law suites that havnt made the newsmedia..if someone looks into the 1985 elders handbook it suggest also to call the legal dept..also several km's in the 80's after a sister reported rape at bethel from another servant living there suggested calling the legal dept...the only thing that might change current policy is giving the right to call local authorities without getting blamed for bringing shame on god and the kingdom hall.... although they have these guidelines in print it is still up to the body of elders to act upon them sidelining their own rules... the local elders have the right not to call also. if you read whats above very carefully this paragraph only suggest and not solid policy.. this is why the issue of silent lambs was so disturbing to many.. what nbc did was seperate the fools who want to see nothing from those on the watch...many still deny that the event and evidence on tv was false..i would basically say the are the flat earth society, no matter how much evidence they will say it was a lie and a trick by satan..***the mole***
the mole
JoinedPosts by the mole
Anyone heard about this?
by fairy in.
i was talking to my sister in law and her brother is an elder and he reckons that they have just been told that if anyone reports any child abuse or molestation issus to them then "it has to go straight to the police".
that seems to mean the elders report it or they recommend that the victim reports it to the police
Do jws distinguish contrition from attrition ?
by A Paduan in.
do jws distinguish contrition from attrition ?.
i apologise i shouldn't have been that way - or - i'm sorry about that, i shouldn't have done that (reality being because i think i might be going to get in some sort of trouble or suffer a loss)
the mole
***the mole*** hi paduan......easy to answer that..as a former ms they will say freewill.. then they will give many examples of freewill to choose between the organization or the world... many of the young are confused on this issue...why would god give freewill if we are to be punished for using it.. the elders and such would list satan as using his freewill then betraying god and men who stole or killed.. the funny thing is they tell us to be solomon like in dealing with god but they always leave out his murder and adultry..then when it is questioned they say he used his freewill and errored against god and lost his kingdom..the young ones as you probably heard are confused on the issue of freewill and are the ones who often commit some of the most horrible acts that even shocks the public... when i grew up many of the friends that i had dropped out and became drug addicts, abusers, homosexuals and heavy drinkers.. there unbalance training leaves many of the kids desperate and wanting.. so instead of leaving the org and adjusting to normalacy their unbalance view of the world we live in creates a guilt factor which often kills them for leaving or forcing them to come back beaten from their own self abuse to drown the words they have been brainwashed to hear..some of the news of multi murder suicides and suicides are fomer witnesses....it has taken me a couple years to suppress their voices in my head..this is why i must get my kids out of there before they end up like my old friends....i no longer feel guilty but happy to be rid of their lies and now that i know the real truth i remain inside the kingdom hall questioning and contridicting what they told us to those who want to listen...My children stay home while i attend the sunday meetings only or special assemblies to gather information and tell all people what is really going on inside the halls and assemblies..i cant help everyone but if i could save but one family from the treachery of the wts maybe god would see me as a good person...****the mole***
Do jws distinguish contrition from attrition ?
by A Paduan in.
do jws distinguish contrition from attrition ?.
i apologise i shouldn't have been that way - or - i'm sorry about that, i shouldn't have done that (reality being because i think i might be going to get in some sort of trouble or suffer a loss)
the mole
***the mole*** Yes, you are right jedi. Many have given their minds on what to think of god over to men who carry much fault and bring their own background in on how to worship even contridicting the org sometimes. Then the org writing from personal feelings and conviction instead of really understanding the bible, and this is what make the org into a cult. To ask someone to shut off their reason and to follow blindly is the first step in a cult and to punish them for thinking and asking why is always the second attribute of a cult... I wish i didnt have to hide but all my family is associate with this group and now that i have broken away and taking my children with me a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. Trying to reason and convince my family is another thing. No matter what facts i have they say it was satan who put it there. That is the brick wall that i have to conquer...***the mole***
How do they justify running ppl off from org? x-Elders, MS, any
by wednesday ini was basicaly "run off' from the org.
had they shown a modicum of human kindesss towards me or my family -i'd probably still be one of them.
if u have been an elder, or ms, or just want to comment, tell me , how do they justify this with the scriptures to .
the mole
***the mole*** i was a former ms.. I never enjoyed going to peoples homes because when i got back in the car with the elders after the visit with whomever is when i heard most of the gripes and opinions of my brothers and sisters. The brothers say they pray over the matter but my experience being associated with the org all my life that this is not the case. if an elder has it in for you no matter what you do you will get punished or df'd. the number one rule to remember is that if you cant conform you will be cast out...****the mole***
new rules concerning disfellowshipping/ disassociating after you have stopp
by quinah inhi everyone i have just joined this forum and wondered if anyone else has heard of the rule that if you are inactive, which i have been for the last 4-5 years, that they have a new rule of you either become active again or you have to disassociate yourself, or they can disfellowship you?
is this correct, and does anyone know if there is a time limit that you can be disfellowshipped say up to 5 years after you stop going to meetings?
please help!
the mole
***the mole*** the new elders handbook and the km do have guidlines for this issue...as a former ms it was my role and the elders to make visits, in making those visits the elder or elders would look around to see if any objects or reading material was around to see if you have gone to another church or apostate. also they want to know if a person is smoking or has a live in person and if they do it is then requested to have that person admit thier sin or be df'd.. i often advise those who still have family in the org to slowly fade away, the reason is those elders will call family and advise to shun you. If you have no ties to the Organization it is best to go out in a bang. In my case I had a number five talk and lectured my hall instead of using the suggested topic they gave us, so i lost all my privilages. Im doing the slow fade away but they keep coming to my home but my experience is not to discuss anything with them, admit anything to them and keep them outside even if the weather is bad. Make up excuses if you have to and not answer the door and they will eventualy stop. An inactive person is still counted as a member to make the overall growth #'s of members look good on paper compared to other religions. They rather have you fade away so you still can be counted than decrease the numbers....***the mole***
Watchtower = Pharisees
by drwtsn32 inthe wts always talks about how wrong it was for the pharisees to make an endless number of rules.
but the wts is guilty of the same thing.
you can't have a beard... you can't watch rated r movies... you must report your field service activity... you cannot go to costume parties... you can have some blood fractions but not whole blood... you can't read any stuff that is against our opinion... yadda yadda yadda.. my mom (an active jw) argues that theses are not rules but only guidelines.
the mole
***the mole*** I just wanted to comment and share with you that it is true they are rules. I have just stepped down my position as an MS. They try to say they are guildlines, but a cat is a cat no matter the color. I have witnessed severe punishments for those not wanting to follow these so called guildlines and even though you are not asked to stop these things out right, in many case you are labled as being spiritually weak and many began to avoid you until you conform. Being an individual goes against their internal doctrine. Much of it is not said publicly so not to bring fear to the new ones coming in but after you are baptised you'll find that everyone has a suggestion and not to follow it means you can't participate in many privlages they offer to those who comply blindly..good luck on finding the real truth.. you mom is slowly being forced to conform or be cast out... there will be a point where she is to make a decision to keep loving you or follow her brothers and sister of the faith...if she chooses you she basically will be shunned and in the extreme be df'd for a rebellious spirit, but if she chooses them she will have to let you go and in her mind she will tell her self he was part of satan world and he was sacrificed for Jehovah..this is what they are doing to her, so beware...***the mole***
July convention coming
by the mole in***the mole*** i have to report the july assembly is coming.
a letter read to us last thursday advised us to stay at recommended hotels only.
we were told by the governing body that those who do not stay at recommend places are on a path to rebellion.
the mole
***the mole*** I have to report the July assembly is coming. A letter read to us last thursday advised us to stay at recommended hotels only. We were told by the governing body that those who do not stay at recommend places are on a path to rebellion. Then we were told that the organization expects a large turnout of apostates protesting at the cow palace in San francisco. So what they really said was spend the money were we told you too and scare you to doing it or else....***the mole***
Finally they came to my door!
by Beans inwell it was a thursday night and i see these two sisters walking up the street, my after thought was what the hell are they out on bookstudy night?
so then the doorbell rings, bingo my wish has come true after a year of reading i get to ask some door knockers some deep hearted questions!.
as they went into there spiel i had a major flashback, they were saying the exact same thing i recall my father saying 30 years ago "we are living in such a terrible world" and i said to them what, this is a great place to live, we are in a great country living a great life!
the mole
***the mole*** I had to make comment on this and I am curious on why? Just to let you know I was a former Ministerial Servant and current member. I am trying my best to exit without causing so much of a seen. My very last talk was a # 5 and i didnt even talk on the subject that was select. I lectured my hall about not having love and remaining in their cliques. When people confront me now and ask me about the org I must say I often quote them Ray Franz's ideas and advise them to really study. If you were a member before, you must have some idea what is in store for you. If you truly know the bible you must have come across some conflicting information. For example, we studied the Revelation book at least 6 or 7 times throughout the years in book study, what came of all the stuff that was predicted and told to us now that the Soviet Union no longer exist? How can an organization take Christ position as mediator between god and man? If Christ words we recieve are perfect and we recieve spirtual food from him and he is perfect, his words are perfect then how is it we need new light and the old books like Revelation is no longer valid and old? I struggled with this and the elders told me not to questions the organization, this is when I awoke and began to look at what they wrote and had us study. I have told many to beware and be sure this is what they want to do and that is to surrender themselves to men and a mans organization because it is us who burden our lives with all the constant pounding of their rules but not Christ rules of love.....***the mole****
Comments You Won't Hear at the 5-11-03 WT Study
by blondie inpretty weak article this sunday.
but it seems that mildness is lacking in the "true congregation" mostly likely among the elders and between the elders and cos.. comments you wont hear at the 5-11-03 wt study.
april 1, 2003 watchtower.
the mole
***the mole*** It has been weeks since good info has come out like this and another post. I wish i would have posted it myself. Hurray to you for this rich information. It is so true but sadly in my hall in Sacramento many would scream spiritual weakness to the person saying such things. I question my elders subtle so not to bring the witch hunters to my home but it is true what you have said...***the mole***
A BALTANT LIE in this weeks Isaiah study.
by apocalypse ina baltant lie in this weeks isaiah study.. .
in this weeks book study of the book isaiah vol.2, there is the paragraph i copied here below, page 253 par.
12. read it carefully, and then see the comments below.
the mole
***the mole*** Hurray to you for this intelligent knowledge you have brought to us. I too have found many such things while studing and i have asked the brothers in my hall why. But the only answer i have recieved is not to question the organization it shows that i might be weak in the faith.. I will continue also to show how I have been tricked since my youth to believe this blatant lie....***the mole***